Page name: Hackers Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-14 23:43:52
Last author: -Tier-
Owner: Janus Star
# of watchers: 18
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Welcome to Hackers Unite!




:Hijacker Badge:
- Hijack another users account on ET.

:Ghost Badge:
- Become a guard on ET.

:Cell Badge:
- Put this wiki URL on five or more different sites, where there are possibly hackers.

:Circle Badge:
- Establish a monthly meeting spot for hackers in your location.

:Cyber Ninja Badge:
- Hack someone's network an get their password(s).


1. [Genesis~] UPC: TERMINATED

     Awards: Circle Badge, Cyber Ninja Badge, Hijacker Badge

2. [Janus Star] UPC: 100101

     Awards: Circle Badge, Cyber Ninja Badge, Hijacker Badge

4. [Diiwica] UPC: 010001

NOTE: Do not post any exploits on here.

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2006-08-08 [Genesis~]: Download nero...

2006-08-08 [Kurokasai Senshu]: Hmmm, working on it. Can i assume i could get a more free variety on limewire?

2006-08-08 [Genesis~]: Yes, but after you download the movies you want, drag them to your desk top, and delete them from your limewire library.. Also..dont download more then 2 movies or songs from the same person..

2006-08-08 [Kurokasai Senshu]: Yeah, i know all the virus junk on limewire, i dont get my movies and stuff there, it takes way too long. I ment could i get nero for free there.

2006-08-08 [Genesis~]: Elftown really needs to fix these small crash's it has.. Really irratating... anyways.. i said delete them from the library because it makes limewire run like a slug..slow downloads and everything.. also, it jams up your comp if you have movies downloaded on lime in the lib. So you would be better off saving them in "My videos" and deleting them off lime wire.. as far as the virus thing goes.. you have a better chance getting a virus on limewire downloading nero and other programs then you would downloading a video or music.. Not many virus's come in the form of Divx, or AVI.

2006-08-08 [Genesis~]: or mpeg. but you should be able to find nero there.. You might want to look somewhere alse for a key generator though.

2006-08-18 [-Tier-]: wtf

2006-08-18 [Janus Star]: ....

2006-08-18 [Genesis~]: ???

2006-09-10 [Deleted001]: You know...

You kids should watch what you say on Elftown...Too bad you guys arent knowledge-able enough to realize this is not the place for this.

And also; You're no hackers, A real hacker is someone who seeks knowledge, Not someone who prys open website in a lame way such as you kids do.

I sugest you read some books,Learn how to code,And dont talk about hacking on websites like these.
I do sugest reading these:

And also:
If you ever feel the need to really learn what hacking is about,Message me,Or email me. Take your pick

you will always be script kiddies if you dont learn...Right now your script kiddies beyond all.

-Revelation signing off.

2006-09-11 [Genesis~]: I feel so Pwned... not. Watch what we say on elftown?? WTF mate?!?! What the hell are they going to do to us??? Also, someone who seeks knowledge... come one, and all this time I thought that was called Information seeking..I suggest you learn what hackers are really about, there are only two rules In a hackers world.. 1. What a hacker can do.  2. and what a hacker can't do. Thats It, cut plain and simple..

Dont talk about hacking on websites like these?? why not?? What are they going to do?? they cant delete us, besides, we havent done anything Illegal* on here.. We have our own little patch of cyber land here, where we can regroup, before doing anything..and meet others who are interested, and then chat on safer places. Maybe If you read this whole wiki, you would have realized that Instead of chicken typing in a comment that would make you feel like less of a poser. The truth Is, you are probably playing halo or masturbating to some porn you just downloaded on limewire.. and by the time you read this..well..Im sure Its going to take you another hour to chicken type a responce.  ;)

Oh, and by the way.. "-Revelation signing off." This Is not a radio or a walkie talkie, we can see your name next to your post you fucking No0b! Master Chief Almighty, where the hell do you people come from, what wood works do you come out of, I swear I will burn It down!

2006-09-11 [Janus Star]: honistly not gonna waste much of my time responding to such a pathetic attempt to make someone feel a some small time university IT-helpdesk operator

2006-09-11 [-Tier-]: That's silly. Because we don't match the 'hacker' stereotype, we're hacker wanna-bes?

As far as I know, we are hackers. A real hacker does not necessarily have to seek knowledge. A real hacker is someone who modifies one thing or another to make it better. Don't try to tell us what we know or don't know. You're in the wrong place. And know matter how 'lame' you might think it is - whether we use our own crafted software or another's - it's still hacking. I personally have read books; I know how to code; and I'll talk about whatever I feel - wherever I feel.

And I agree with Genesis~; this is a website, not a radio.

2006-09-11 [Janus Star]: ya i do have to say somthing about that, the radio thing? seriously? what the hell is the matter with you? if you wanted to do radio, should of became a DJ not a computer store owner... god you call us kids... sheesh...

2006-09-11 [Deleted001]: You know...You kids are bad -_-

I was trying to explain that talking about this stuff on these websites could get you into trouble one day in real life.

and no,not because you don't match the stereo-type you're wanna-be's, its because you take your time doing small things.

Its better to take on one big operation then all sorts of small ones,That kind of stuff...You follow ?

I dont work at just a university helpdesk, I am full coder and I probably worked on some applications you use to hack/crack(E.g. Nessus)

So why the hell would you guys waste your time here? I admit you might have a good talent,but dont waste it on small fry such a blog websites or community,Use it on better things...

Use that brain to create something, you have the knowledge to right ? You could just be like"fuck this guy,forget him" or you could take heed and listen,

Can I ask what the biggest you've ever done is? Is it websites like these ?Wireless networks? Admin acounts on FTP's?

and about the -Revelation signing off thing, you probably used something similar on a forum or something one day, Its just like a signature.

2006-09-11 [Janus Star]: ..ok listen, this is all just harmless fun, your wasteing your time trying to verbaly bash a group of people who just dont give a shit, this site, this wiki is somthing we do when we have the day off of work, or college.... or nothings on TV...etc..etc if you notice we dont post on it regularly everyday, so quit wasting your time calling us "kids" wanna-be's" etc.. an move on with your life..people here actualy want to talk civialy, an try an help or learn from others, so wed apreaciate it much if you just moved on with your life, Thank you

2006-09-11 [Deleted001]: Fine,Lets part ways here and now then.

It was funny meeting you, And I hope to hear from you in the news someday,when you've done something productive with your skills.

Laters then,

2006-09-13 [Genesis~]: Has anyone figured out when Halo the movie is coming out?

2006-09-14 [Janus Star]: No not yet... i havent even heard anything about it yet

2006-09-14 [Genesis~]: I have heard a little, but no deadline yet that I know of..I can't wait, that will probably beat advent children..

2006-09-17 [Hedda]: You can find [Genesis~] as [G:/enesis~]. [Genesis~]'s description is only lies so I closed that account.

And a correction of the comments above: Yes, you can get kicked out even if you don't break any rule. Elftown is very openminded, but if we don't like you, then it's goodbye. It's not impossible to go around a ban, but it surely takes the fun out of using Elftown.

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